Well let me start this by ssaying that im really down,sad,wadeever that makes ur head throb.yea.thats the feeling i got now.The thai band had left and its not even 4 hrs and im already missing them and holdin back tears.they are totally awesome,they can make u stare in awe when they play and laff out loud with teir jokes,really awesome ppl i met.it might take a long time to forget them,infact,im not even sure if i can.it took just 7 days for us all to be really good friends and bond alot.in fact,i love them very much as friends.SIGHz.ever wonder how they do it?i regretted not being able to thank Pri for the Concerto de Camera sax solo score,he couldve given to any other section mate but he gave to me,i was really touched.i like to thanks the others too,Pang for being thr and for teaching me when i wasnt sure,she was a cheerful person.to Supakorn for cheering me up always,he noes how to aand the beer joke was hilarious,thanks if u are readin.thanks to pornsuda too for teachin me and finally yo for helpin amoz out when he's lost.i wna thank all the saxes for believin in me and encouragin me to be more confident for Hymm.the whole KUWS shld be thanked too,if it wasnt for them,we wouldnt be able to put up such a nice show at esplanade.i find them so cool,i certainly feel priveledged to be able to play alongside them,im sad that they are not able to stayt any longer and sad that i cant absorb anymore knowledge from them.they helped me improve tremendously,from knowin just 60% of hymm to 85%,dats alot,and with that im really grateful,i hope they would come back again and i can continue learnin from them.but for now im just going to miss them.its a good thing i hugged almost them all b4 i go,yea,thats the good thing.haha.hope TK band members can share their thoughts too,thanks for listenin,ciaoooz
Right,i have nothing to say and talk about except for Band!
IM AWED!!!!!!!!!!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..........................................................................................................................................................................
THE THAI BAND IS AWESOMELY-IMBARISTICALLY IMBA PROs!they can play so close to perfection!so niceeeee.haha,i wished they could stay longer:(we had not much time to bond.YUP.anw I wish all band memberss good luck for ur concert! and to thanks the five saxophonists from KU for helping us improve in a really short time.I cant believe the concert is tomorrow...........im playing a solo in Hymm to the Infinite Sky,and im really scared i screw up,meanin not enuff air control,out of tune and SQUEAKIN!ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.ok but i rmb wad Pri,Pang,Nog and Moonday told me to be confident,i shall do it and well,try to impress ba.WISHING ALL SOLOIST MORE LUCK!!ESPECIALLY ZUL!HAJAR TOO.lol.i am so nervous.yet i cant wait to shine.lOl :)
I have many things to say yet i cant,im too nervous!i gta go put bottons onto my jacket now,ciaoooooooozzzzzzzz ppl,hope to see you in the Esplanade tmr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D ~~~~~~
hey peopleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Hope ur lives goin well:Dhaha.life's BAND as usual,no diff,haha.This mornin is a started of a gruelling five day band practices and i came early for self pravctise:D:Dhaha.in the afternoon we played a few songs and i can say im proud of myself for Hymm cos i played the solo decently,and in a single breath!!!haha.HAPPYHAPPY:) then i went to parkway with some ppl to get the Karsesart ppl chocs.LOL.well and hope Sarah Tan cheers up,LOL and Jingling paid 3 bucks for 4 cookies,so __________.haha
Anw,gtg rest early,good luck to band members especially sec3s and saxes!jiayou,endure painful lips!:D
Fineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee,u win people-.-my blog resurected,or smthin...-.-lol.
yea anw hi people,today was a good day i thiiiiiiiiiiink.Started the day off at sch to rehearse 4 my farewell,which was EPICALLY FAIL!nvm,we went to Macs 4 lunch,i had a mcspicy meal,which burned me off as always...but it is irresistable-.-dammit.haha,i then parted ways with Joel,YingZheng n Brian. i tot i was late for a metting with Feng,Jay,Delz,Sherlyn and Joelle,but i was 'early',at least im not 15 and 30 mins late-.-yea. I chionged to bugis street,looked arnd for half hr b4 getting skinnies which cost me 40$-10cents.LOL.then got to bermudas,split with Feeng,2 for 25 wad.LOL. got a dam nice white shirt for 16 which is cheap!.then i went to recoil,got a formal shirt for farewell!haha and off to Messy to get another pair of skinnies.I hope my legs wont grow any wider.sighz.well,we went to get some neoprints and its quite sick-.--.LOL.soon the rest decided to watch movie,i was lazyyyyyy so i zao home and slacked!so shiok!!!!!!!!!!!!I kinda wanted to get more stuff but was tired,im 6 hrss behind enuff slp-.-haiz.in the end i spent a decent 170 bucks,i think its quite a bargain.YEA!for so long i havent bought anythin and i managed to spend less than 200 bucks!omg!haha.
Btw im quite tired ald,lool,ciaozzzzzzzzzzzzzzz,will be back!
p.s. thanks Ananta-.-
HI PEOPLE,the blog is now alive again!:D